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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

T20MR Episode 18-To boldly run longer than I have ever run before...

Welcome to Episode 18. We cover a lot of ground, literally. You come along for the ride as I embark on my first attempt at 2 hours and 15 minutes (What? Am I crazy or what?) You decide.

We discuss everything from the latest gear I have on to how running can help us deal with recovery by giving a sense of accomplishment and discipline, not to mention giving us goals to reach towards--always a good thing.

Follow me as we get chased by dogs, eat Jelly Beans "live" and talk to my wife on the telephone (exciting stuff, I know). We close with the news that there has been a rash of car robberies in our neighborhood--never a good thing. Keep your doors locked and your valuables out of sight.

I also give an update on how the training is going for the half. I am using a modified version of the Hal Higdon training routine. We discuss how the canning is going with the peppers. Odie also has a cameo above lurking behind my fig bush--which we also briefly discuss.

And while I have a new pair of shoes, I won't be wearing them right away. I do have some good advice, however, about ordering your next pair that you will want to hear.

This evening run ended up being right at 15 miles, the longest I have run since I started back 13 months ago and the second longest ever; it was actually a good one. But as the darkness descends and it becomes harder to see the road, a bit of my heart sinks as well: Summer is coming to a close. But...Fall (my favorite time of year) is just around the corner, filled with cool mornings and shorts and gloves (what a neat combination).

So, it's good to have you with me for this long late-summer run. I am so glad you have joined me "to boldly run longer than I have ever run before..." If you enjoy the podcast, why not tell a friend? I would appreciate it. Thank you for listening. And as always,

Thanks for sharing some of the road with me,

The 20 Minute Runner

The music heard in the body of the podcast is entitled “Wake Up," by Kim Cahill. Check it out at Mevio Music.

The opening and closing music heard in each podcast is entitled “Point of No Return” by Roger Subirana and is the title cut of the album. Check it out at


Links mentioned in this episode

Endless (great place to order shoes)

Robin Parrish's homepage, author of Offworld (and a personal friend)

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