"Tigger" on my porch on a beautiful day | | | | | | | | | | | |
It is good to have you with me once again for another episode of the show,
Episode 82. I apologize for the delay, but life has been so hectic. I know you can understand. Also, my recording equipment is giving me some problems. I may have to replace the mic or recorder itself. First, I have to diagnose the problem.
I hope to get more on a routine with the show...and the running. Things are beginning to settle down as we begin this show on my front porch, Tigger nearby. I update things with you on how life is going (hint: I'm changing jobs), share the interview with Coach Jeff at
The Running Podcast and close things out with several emails from listeners. Thank you for sharing with me! I thoroughly enjoy hearing from you, the listener.
So, sit back, or settle into your stride as we once again get on the road together. And as always,
Thanks for sharing some of the road with me,
The 20 Minute Runner
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Michal Wojciechowski's
The opening and closing music is entitled "Point of No Return" and is from the album by the same name by Roger Subirana Mata. Check it out at
The song in the body of the show is "Something I Don't Know" by Simon Fagan. Check it out at
Music Alley.
The background music is entitled "Second Half" by John Williams. Check it out at