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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The 20MR Episode 74: Reasons Why We Run #6 - Health Consciousness

Happy Thanksgiving as we share in Episode 74 of the podcast. Listen as we complete our longest run before the half marathon--with 3 sets of hills at the end--of 17.1 miles. I know it sounds crazy, but we want to make sure that we are ready to go for the half, which is now less than 3 weeks away. I really am looking forward to it. While I didn't see any turkeys during the run (which we do have in our area), I did see some chickens in my neighbor's yard...weird. Anyway, after the training update, the wonderful invention of compression socks and yet again, GU vs. Stingers, we get into the meat of the discussion.

One of the reasons I run has to do with the consciousness that we gain as we run. It manifests itself in several ways:

  • I have become more sensitive as to what I put into my body
  • I have become more sensitive as to what I do not put into my body
  • I have become more sensitive relative to the environment.
While I do not buy the global warming argument, I do believe in conserving and reusing, as we discuss in this show. Running simply makes us more aware of health in general, whether it be our personal health or the health of our planet. It just happens and I think it's great.

I also have discovered that to increase foot turnover, increase the rate of the arm swing. Sounds strange, but it really works.

We wind things up by sharing the plans for the running as we near the half. The taper has now begun, sort of. While the mileage will begin winding down, I do plan at least one more week of tempo and more hill repeats to keep our edge.

While we wind up this one in the moonlight, I am reminded of yet another reason I run: experiencing the sheer beauty of nature, even in town.

I hope your Thanksgiving was great. And as always,

Thanks for sharing some of the road with me,
The 20 Minute (chi) Runner

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The opening music is entitled "Point of No Return" and is from the album by the same name by Roger Subirana Mata. Check it out at Jamendo.

The song heard in the body of the podcast and at the very end is from the album "Our Moon" and is from the album by the same name by Roger Subirana Mata. Check it out at Jamendo.

The background music is entitled "Second Half" by John Williams. Check it out at Magnatune.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The 20MR Episode 73: Reasons Why We Run #5 - Self Esteem

I want to recommend a book to you by a friend of mine, Robin Parrish. I actually had to delay an early morning run for a full day because I stayed up until almost 2:00  in the morning finishing it. If you are into the paranormal, ghost stories or stories about large greedy companies with little regard for human life, I recommend it. It is truly a fun--and stimulating--book. Check out the official website here.

Now on to other things that this, Episode 73, covers. As the title of this post affirms, I spend a bit of time talking about how running helps us with self esteem, self confidence, etc. This bleeds over not only into our running, but ultimately into our lives. Running can help you gain the advantage as you work towards feeling better about yourself. I share more information in the show. Please send me your comments and feedback. I know I may have ruffled the feathers for a few listeners and that's okay. Let me hear from you. Send me an email.

The training update includes covering 36.8 miles as we work towards the half in December. My last--and longest--long run is coming up this weekend. We hope to top out at 17 miles with hills and tempo included. Bring on the half!

I have registered for the event and have the confirmation needed to make sure that everything is a go. Another good friend, proprietor of Bert Reed photography, may go with me and take a few photos. While weddings are normally his thing, he wants to give a running event a shot. If it works out, I will be sharing some photos with you after the race is over.

Finally, I encourage you to send Matt, over at the RunDiggerRun podcast a message. Matt has been sidelined as he deals with extensive treatment for his back. Tell him you heard about his misfortune on this podcast and wish him well. Matt, we sincerely wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to hearing you in our ears again very soon.

I'm off to continue the training for the half. I hope "the nightmare is NOT coming" relative to the race. Sorry Robin; I couldn't resist. Thanks for listening and as always,

Thanks for sharing some of the road with me,
The 20 Minute Runner

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The opening music is entitled "Point of No Return" and is from the album by the same name by Roger Subirana Mata. Check it out at Jamendo.

The song heard in the body of the podcast and at the very end is from the album "Our Moon" and is entitled "Angels of Hope" by Roger Subirana Mata. Check it out at Jamendo.

The background music is entitled "Second Half" by John Williams. Check it out at Magnatune.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The 20MR Episode 72: Reasons Why We Run #4 - Goal Setting

It's great to have you along for Episode 72, as we continue looking at the reasons why we run. While I am presenting mine, you probably have some of your own that we might not cover. Feel free to send me your feedback on the topic at

We begin by talking about a different sport: bowling. I went again after almost one year. Thankfully, the running is going a bit better than the bowling. But it is better. One reason: posture. I recently had someone to notice that my posture has gotten better--and I didn't even say anything about it. How cool is that? I owe it all to the Chi.

Speaking of Chi, it does seem that the speed is following the form, just as Danny Dreyer says. I am running faster with less effort and my knees and hips are yelling: THANK YOU! If you have not given Chi Running a try, check out Danny's book, Chi Running. You can find it at Amazon or any bookstore. It continues to revolutionize my running. While it might not be your "cup of tea", it is worth a look.

We also talk about gels vs. beans (and other forms of carb/electrolite replacement). Send me an email on that. What works for you? What doesn't work? As we move towards my second half marathon, I would like to know your opinion.

Thanks to Nigel for the new constant feed running podcast channel. Click the link below to hear the most recent episodes of a lot of running podcasts, including this one. It is a great site and can be accessed from your mobile device as well. You might find another show or two that you enjoy.

Finally, the latter half of this run is all about the main topic of the day: goal setting. Running helps us do that in running itself...and life. Listen is as I complete my goal for this run, covering 14 miles and ending with three brutal hill repeats. Am I a glutton for punishment? Listen and decide. I do love distance however, and find that hill repeats are really a challenge. What running goals do you have? Which ones have you met?

Finally, thank you for listening. And thanks for the photos and emails. If you haven't sent me a photo of you, do it now. I will be honored to post it at this blog. Emails of comments, race reports, or simple greetings are always welcome as well. And finally, as always,

Thanks for sharing some of the road with me,
The 20 Minute (chi) Runner

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Links for this episode

The opening and closing music is entitled "Point of No Return" and is from the album by the same name by Roger Subirana. Check it out at Jamendo.

The song heard in the body of the podcast is entitled "Wish I Could" by Carey Ott at Music Alley.

The background music is entitled "Second Half" by John Williams. Check it out at Magnatune.

The graphic above is courtesy of PhotoXpress.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The 20MR Episode 71: Reasons Why We Run #3 - Produces Discipline

Me and you and a rabbit named Snowball

Thanks for tagging along for this, Episode 71 of the podcast. This early run finds me dealing with a cat-food loving neighborhood dog...again. After the clean-up we get on with the run. Though mostly in the dark, it was a good one, as all of the runs have been lately.

A note of unsettledness, the NC Marathon may not be run in the Spring as it was last year. It might be over a year before another one is held in High Point. Based on a personal endeavor that I hope to accomplish this Spring, that's okay...probably. Time will tell. I am keeping my ears to the ground and may run the marathon at Wrightsville Beach, NC in the Spring if the aforementioned personal endeavor fails to materialize. Stay tuned.

The current running is going well, as you will hear in the updates on the training for the half in December. We are moving up the tempo, hills and long run. So far, so good. While I may not set a PR, I do hope to be in shape for a very strong showing.

Congrats to Steven over at The Devoted Runner podcast. He recently PRd by 16 minutes at his half marathon. While not his "A" race, I think that was awesome! Check out episode 30 of his podcast at the link below to hear the inspiring report.

Trunk or Treat was a blast, as the pic for this post shows. If you missed it, be sure and check out the promotional video I was involved with posted at episode 69. Over 800 kids and 1600 people came through and I believe every single child petted Snowball. Follow the link below and click on the Trunk or Treat link to view the pictures--for free!

We spend a good deal of the show discussing how running produces discipline in this third installment in the series. If you are looking to be motivated in your running--and life--I encourage you to listen to the second half of the podcast closely. You should be inspired to get out there and run.

We will tackle another issue of why we run in the next episode. I hope you stay tuned for that one out soon. And why not share the podcast with your running buddies? I would appreciate it immensely. And as always,

Thanks for sharing some of the road with me,
The 20 Minute (chi) runner

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Links of Interest
Trunk or Treat photos (supply your email to view them)

The opening and closing music is entitled "Point of No Return" and is from the album by the same name by Roger Subirana. Check it out at Jamendo.

The song heard in the body of the podcast is entitled "Someday Soon" by Great Big Sea. Check it out at Music Alley.

The transitional piece is entitled "The Long Goodbye" by Wendy Wall. Check it out at Music Alley.

The background music is entitled "Second Half" by John Williams. Check it out at Magnatune.

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When sending email, please include your first name, city/state or country. Your email may be shared on a podcast. Also, feel free to send me a short mp3 or wav audio file. I might play it during a podcast. Your comments are always welcome.
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